To register for the Ralph Sweat Memorial Scholarship Tournament on May 5, 2024, complete the form below or download the PDF.

$150 entry fee 50% payout / 50% scholarship fund
In clicking "I agree", I here-by waive and release all contestants, sponsors, officials and the Illinois B.A.S.S. Nation from all, injury, or damage that may be incurred in connection with this tournament. I understand fully that I am responsible for my own insurance and will provide proof of such insurance if requested. My signature certifies that I am over the age of 16. The rules of this tournament are set by the IBN appointed Tournament Director and the IDNR permit granted. Polygraph tests may be conducted for any team or individual receiving a payout from this event. I understand and agree that if I refuse to complete the polygraph test I will forfeit my winnings. By signing this entry form you agree that you have read and are familiar with and will abide by all rules and regulations set forth by the Illinois B.A.S.S. Nation.
(includes 4% transaction fee)