IBN Juniors Results – Kinkaid 2021
2021 JRS Kinkaid Results
Unofficial 2021 Schedule
Attached is a preliminary, unofficial, permit-pending copy of the IBN 2021 schedule. This is being published to help clubs and organizations inform their own 2021 scheduling efforts only. These dates [...]
HS & Junior Results – Pool 13, July 2020
This past Saturday the IBN held a youth event on Pool 13 out of Savanna, where 10 boats competed in Jr and HS level competition. On the High School [...]
2020 HS and Jr State Championship Results
The IBN High School and Junior Bassmasters competed this past weekend on Lake Clinton, each for a spot at Nationals this year. Impressive weights were put up in both divisions [...]
Notice on upcoming events
While the IBN is quite capable of hosting a safely run fishing tournament that would be in compliance with social distancing guidelines, the Governor’s Executive Order 2020-32 prohibits any fishing [...]
“Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff” Benefit Tournament
As many of you know, IBN president and friend Ralph Sweat has recently undergone major surgery to remove a brain tumor. He is resting at home comfortably, but has a [...]
Trey McKinney captures Jr State Title
Sunday the Junior State Championship went out in parallel with our High School State Tournament, with 11 participants all bringing at least one good fish to the scale. In 4th [...]
Youth Event Reschedule Confirmed
We have permit confirmation, the reschedule of the May 4th Youth event will be May 19th on the Des Plaines River out of the Des Plaines Conservation Area (not Big [...]
May 4th Youth Tournaments Cancelled for Safety
Due to high water and unsafe river conditions, this Saturday's High School and Junior event on the Des Plaines River has been cancelled. We have put in a request for [...]